Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Little Bit of Sunshine

Stephi ends up in a lot of my pictures. What can I say? As my twin we are together a majority of the time and so she fills in the spot of being my muse. We went to the park right next to our condo while down in Mesquite for Spring Break and I had to capture a few images because her outfit with the gooey, yummy light (as one of my teachers will say) was too good not to. It's making me itch for summer time and warmer days.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Break

Steph and I took a girls trip down to Mesquite this Spring Break. It was nice to get away from the snow and just relax by the pool, eat junk food and watch Gossip Girl. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mark and Rachelle: One Year

These two are celebrating their one year anniversary! I think it's really important to capture these milestones and document life long after the wedding is over. You can tell how much these two love each other. The way they talked and laughed together while I was photographing them, even if it was a little chilly. I had so much fun with these two.

You two are the cutest couple. Seriously.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rainy Day

I went exploring with my sister on Thursday even though it was rainy. Rainy days can be the best days. Of course, once we got back to my house we popped in Gilmore Girls Season 1. :) Starting from the beginning together.